The logo for the native professional advancement center


A blue and yellow banner with the words `` adventure on ! ''

Unit Membership Teams may find the following resources helpful for recruiting and retaining scouting families. Feel free to use and share these resources as needed. Have a resource to share or see a need for a new resource – please reach out via email.

Recruitment and Retention Resources

If your unit needs flyers, assistance with promotional materials or ideas on how to run a recruitment event, contact us via email to get started!

Membership Contact

Melissa Rubik
Vice President of Membership

Customizable Flyers

Flyers are available for customization and printing for FREE! Preview the flyers and request your custom text at the links below. Please allow at least one week’s processing time for us to prepare your flyers.

Fall Recruitment Timelines

Below you will find suggested timelines to run your fall recruitment campaign.

Sample Fall Recruitment Timeline – Cub Scouts

Scouts BSA Recruitment Packets

Below you will find suggestions and templates for what to include in your Scouts BSA recruitment packets. Each template can be customized to your specific unit details including you unit number, charter organization, and meeting location.

Descriptions of Scouts BSA Packet and Contents

Scouts BSA Packet Labels
Troop XYZ Welcome Information
How is the Scout Troop Different From The Cub Scout Pack

Troop Registration Checklist
Permission to Use and Publish Troop Photos

Roundup and Orientation Slideshows

Below you will find suggestions and templates for PowerPoints to share with prospective families during multi-unit roundups or unit orientation nights. Each template can be customized to your specific unit details including you unit number, charter organization, and meeting location.

Cub Scouts Recruitment Roundup
Scouts BSA Recruitment Roundup

Pack XYZ New Family Orientation

Annual Calendar

Below you will find suggestions and templates for calendars to share with your families. Each template can be customized to your specific unit details including you unit number, links, and events.

Pack 123 Calendar 2022-2023

New Scout Follow-Up

Below you will find suggestions and templates for what to send to new scouts once they have joined your unit. Each template can be customized to your specific unit details including you unit number, website, and Facebook page.

New Cub Scout Follow-up Email
Welcome to Pack XYZ
Additional Contact Form – Cub Scouts

New Scout BSA Follow-up Email
Welcome to Troop XYZ
Additional Contact Form – Scouts BSA

End of Year Parent Surveys

A great way to ensure retention of current Scouts and families as well as recruit new ones, is to run annual surveys and use the results during your annual planning meetings.  Below you will find suggestions and templates for what to include in the surveys and flyers to point families to an online version of the survey (should you create one in a tool like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms).

Survey Flyer
Pack Parent Survey
Troop Parent Survey

My.Scouting.Org Leads and Applications

Unit Key 3s and New Member Coordinators (or their designees) have access to unit Leads and Applications in Below you find tips, tricks, and best practices for managing these for your units

How to assign a designee for roles

Typically, Leads, also known as Invitations, are submitted manually by prospective families who have found the unit’s pin on As this is the family’s first impression of your unit, it is important to follow-up quickly and invite them to check out your unit.

Invitation Manager Instructions
Invitation Review Process

Online Applications for scouts and leaders can be submitted through the unit’s pin on or through a roster transfer from one unit to another. As the final barrier between your new member and scouting, it is important to follow-up quickly and get the application processed. Remember that just like paper applications, only the unit’s Charter Organization Representative can approve adult applications.

Application Manager Instructions

Application Review Process

Tools for Onboarding New Leaders

Resources from Scouting America National

The Membership and Marketing Team at Scouting America National also have some great sources for recruiting materials. Below you find some of the highlights.

Scouting America National Recruiting Resource

Scouting America Brand Center
What is the Scouting America Brand Center?
Scouting America Brand Center

Recruitment videos to add to your unit website
Cub Scout videos
Scouts BSA videos
Venturing videos
Exploring videos

Recruitment videos to share with perspective families (from Scouting America Communications)
Welcome to Cub Scouting!
Troops in Action – Scouting For All

Resources for Cub Scout Leaders
Cub Scout Leader National Resources

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